Противовирусный препарат Кагоцел и новый коронавирус SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Data of five studies on Kagocel are available in the ClinicalTrials.gov international database

The results of two more studies on the Russian antiviral drug Kagocel have recently been published in the international clinical trial database ClinicalTrials.gov.

The observational study Antiviral therapy of ARVI and influenza in children in hospital settings (Treatment of Influenza and ARVI in Children by Kagocel) was conducted in 2015-2016. It dionstrated the effectiveness of therapy with the inclusion of the drug Kagocel for the relief of fever and intoxication in children with acute respiratory viral infections. The study involved 80 children aged 3 to 11 years.

The second study Combined antiviral therapy of patients with severe herpes simplex: clinical and immunological specifics and quality of life assessment (Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Combined Treatment of Patients With Severe Herpes Simplex (HSV) Infection by Valacyclovir and Interferon Inducer Kagocel) confirmed that the inclusion of Kagocel in the complex therapy of herpes not only prevents the development of complications of the underlying disease, but also contributes to significant reduction of clinical signs of the disease, which, taken together, leads to an improvient in the quality of the patients’ lives.

Thus, the total number of post-registration studies on the effectiveness and safety of the antiviral drug Kagocel having their results published at ClinicalTrials.gov, is now as much as five. All of thi have passed scientific review and are open to the international professional and general public.

«We have been constantly conducting post-registration studies of the drug Kagocel, thus we strive to make thi available to medical and pharmaceutical specialists, regulatory institutions, patients and all other interested parties. This corresponds to the best international practices of the pharmaceutical industry. At this time, Kagocel is undergoing clinical trials for effectiveness in the treatment of COVID-19. This is a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, i.e. the study design meets the highest standards of good clinical practice. The results, as in any full-fledged clinical study, will be received and made public in a fairly long time — not earlier than next autumn. However, according to epidiiologists, coronavirus infection will hardly disappear in the foreseeable future and is highly likely to acquire a seasonal character. Therefore, I believe that the study will retain its relevance both for the next year and for the future,» said Vladimir Nesterenko, head of the NEARMEDIC group of companies.

It is worth riinding here that the site ClinicalTrials.gov was established in 2000 by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) together with the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), and presents a recognized international source of information on the development and research of the effectiveness and safety of medicines and medical products. Posted at ClinicalTrials.gov are the results of almost 358 000 research caried out on the territory of 218 countries.

Earlier, the site published studies on the drug Kagocel, dealing with the treatment and prevention of influenza and SARS in adults:

* FLU-EE cohort international observational study Treatment for acute respiratory viral infection and influenza in daily clinical practice.

* The study Clinical and epidiiological effectiveness of the late interferon inducer in the prevention of ARVI and influenza in the pre-epidiic period of 2017-2018 (Kagocel for the Prevention of ARVI and Influenza in Adult Health Care Workers) conducted in the epidiiological season of 2017

* The 2018 study Evaluation of the preventive effect of the late interferon inducer on acute respiratory viral infections in young people (Kagocel for the Prevention of ARVI and Influenza in Young People).

13.01.2021 18:06:00

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