Противовирусный препарат Кагоцел и новый коронавирус SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)

Nearmedic Group supports doctors in the season of colds

The Nearmedic group of companies has realized a large-scale charity event by passing the antiviral drug Kagocel over to the country's medical institutions.

The goal of the campaign is to support doctors and medical professionals who treat patients with influenza and ARVI, as well as to support immunity and avoid infection with COVID-19.

More than 260 thousand packages of drug Kagocel have been sent to 350 hospitals and clinics in 70 cities of Russia in all federal districts, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Doctors and heads of medical institutions expressed general approval of the timely support from the company.

"Thanks to the friendly support of Nearmedic Group, there is hope that together we will be able to effectively resist the spread of the coronavirus infection. We thank all your employees for their continued diligent work: those who are engaged in R&D and production of domestic medicines as well as those who organize timely delivery of the medication to the regions, irrespective of any crises," wrote A. V. Kolesnikov, head physician at the M. V. Goltz City Central Hospital, Fryazino (Moscow region).

"These days, as never before, the conditions of our work are associated with a risk to health, and the antiviral drug Kagocel will be of efficient help for employees," said the head physician of the Stavropol City Clinical Hospital No. 2 M. V. Kostrovskaya.

"We know that the Nearmedic Group of Companies possess in their ranks many professional medical workers who have the firsthand knowledge of how important it is to support and protect the staff of a medical institution during an epidemic," noted O. G. Shorokhova, acting head physician of the City Children's Hospital in Petrozavodsk.

It should be reminded that Kagocel belongs to interferon inducers, drugs that stimulate the production of the body's own interferons, that is proteins that block the reproduction of pathogenic viruses. The use of interferon inducers is included in various clinical recommendations of the Ministry of Health for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults and children1,2,3. Their use for the treatment of any undifferentiated acute respiratory infections during the pandemic, as well as for planned and emergency prevention of same, is also included in the Ministry of Health interim guidelines Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of the New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19)4.

1. http://cr.rosminzdrav.ru/#!/recomend/909

2. http://cr.rosminzdrav.ru/#!/recomend/172

3. https://static-0.rosminzdrav.ru/system/attachments/attaches/000/050/033/original/RESP_REC_V2.pdf (https://minzdrav.gov.ru/ministry/med_covid19)

4. https://static-0.minzdrav.gov.ru/system/attachments/attaches/000/051/777/original/030902020_COVID-19...

17.12.2020 12:38:00

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